We are a second skin, the actions and thoughts that characterize every life.
We are an overabundance of cheerful ideas and emotions, with an irrepressible desire to overcome our own personal boundaries.
We are the relentless change that shapes new worlds, the delicate doubts that push us to create our own reality.
We are emotion, sentiment, and sensation. Alive and ambitious.
We are an escape from laziness, a return to the heart.
We are passion and a force of nature: a fast current, a sea that rises within, a wind that caresses the skin.
We are a silence that surrounds, the earth under bare feet, the sun that dissolves all chains, offering freedom.
We are mysterious light on the gracious silhoueffe of the body, pure emotions, and passion. Personal talent or strength make no difference. What is important is the innate ability to identify and shape your very own reality.